Eine Trennung mit Ansage
Jana Wolff Jana Wolff

Eine Trennung mit Ansage

Das Aus hatte sich abgezeichnet. Als die Vorstandsvorsitzenden von MSC, Sören Toft, und Maersk, Vincent Clerc, vergangene Woche für Anfang Januar 2025 das Ende der gemeinsamen Schifffahrtsallianz 2M ankündigten, kam die Nachricht für die wenigsten Branchenteilnehmer und Marktbeobachter überraschend.

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Shipping hurt by weak demand for Chinese goods
Jana Wolff Jana Wolff

Shipping hurt by weak demand for Chinese goods

China’s vast infrastructure linking factories and ports has grappled for three years with a strict zero-Covid regime that required frequent quarantines for personnel and “closed-loop” operations. The policy led to delays and cancellations, but exports largely boomed over that period as demand for goods soared.

Simon Sundboell, founder and chief executive of data provider eeSea, said the nature of the disruption had now changed, from a scenario driven by delays within a “hot market” to one of weaker demand.

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Ocean carrier alliances prepare to deploy their new mega-ships
Jana Wolff Jana Wolff

Ocean carrier alliances prepare to deploy their new mega-ships

The Alliance members Hapag-Lloyd, ONE, Yang Ming and HMM have finalised their April network plans, which feature vessel upgrades on Asia to North Europe, Mediterranean and US east coast services.

Lead line Hapag-Lloyd said one of the key highlights would be the deployment of its 23,500 teu newbuild ULCVs on the Asia-North Europe tradelane to replace smaller ships.

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No dramatic change to Ocean Alliance network, but capacity set to spike
Jana Wolff Jana Wolff

No dramatic change to Ocean Alliance network, but capacity set to spike

According to analysts at maritime intelligence firm eeSea, who are shifting through the separate Day 7 announcements, apart from the reduction of transpacific loops and some rotation changes, there is little of note so far.

“No new services, no pendulum splits, and there are 17 services with no rotation changes at all,” said eeSea analyst Patrick Fach-Pedersen.

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Load factors nosedive pushing carriers to idle ships in a bid to stop the rot
Jana Wolff Jana Wolff

Load factors nosedive pushing carriers to idle ships in a bid to stop the rot

Keeping track of carrier capacity changes is a full-time job for analysts like eeSea, which have the onerous task of sifting through customer advisories, website changes and, in some cases, just piecing together details from AIS data to determine schedule changes.
“There are all the ‘unofficial’ blanks to take into account as well,” eeSea analyst Destine Ozuygur told The Loadstar.

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Hapag-Lloyd invests in Spinelli Group as it boosts Med ports business
Jana Wolff Jana Wolff

Hapag-Lloyd invests in Spinelli Group as it boosts Med ports business

Spinelli’s 100%-owned Port Terminal Genoa currently hosts a total of seven services, according to the eeSea liner database, four of which are regional European strings; CMA CGM’s transatlantic Medcaribe service; and two Hapag-Lloyd transatlantic services – Zim’s ZCA service which Hapag-Lloyd markets as AL7 and buys 20% of the capacity through a slot purchase arrangement, and the MGX service, where it deploys six vessels with an average 4,860 teu capacity and 10% of slots are sold to Zim.

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N Europe port congestion eases as demand falls and strikes and holidays end
Jana Wolff Jana Wolff

N Europe port congestion eases as demand falls and strikes and holidays end

“According to new weekly data produced by supply chain intelligence company eeSea for the port of Rotterdam, congestion at the Dutch gateway and neighbouring Antwerp has declined significantly in the past few weeks.

The eeSea data provides an insight into the berthing wait times for container vessels at Rotterdam, Antwerp-Bruges, Hamburg and Bremerhaven, tracking waiting vessels and waiting days.”

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Terminals around the world brace as Shanghai exhales
Jana Wolff Jana Wolff

Terminals around the world brace as Shanghai exhales

“With Shanghai progressively reopening, gateway terminals in western consuming nations are bracing for a tsunami of boxes to hit already congested quaysides in June as the peak season gets underway earlier than normal this year.”

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Container shipping rates: Still sky high but falling back to Earth
Jana Wolff Jana Wolff

Container shipping rates: Still sky high but falling back to Earth

“Simon Sundboell, founder of eeSea, believes China lockdowns are playing a role in blank sailings. “During the early stage of lockdowns, carriers might have accepted a slightly lower utilization to keep the vessels and equipment conveyor belt moving,” he told American Shipper.”

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Ocean Alliance launches more services to target import switch to US east coast
Jana Wolff Jana Wolff

Ocean Alliance launches more services to target import switch to US east coast

“OA member Evergreen has confirmed it will use the CBX label for the service, while Cosco and OOCL will market it under their AWE7 and ECC3 brands, respectively.

However, business intelligence platform eeSea said it had “discovered” the CMA CGM-operated CBX service “during a routine check”, adding: “Ports of call on vessel schedules vary with each rotation and none match the flyer.””

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Shanghai lockdown is not causing global supply chain chaos (yet)
Jana Wolff Jana Wolff

Shanghai lockdown is not causing global supply chain chaos (yet)

“Container wait time, port congestion and blank-sailing fallout not as bad as feared. However, the congestion ratio was at these same levels both in July and September 2021. Simon Sundboell, founder of eeSea, told American Shipper, “It has gone up, but to me, the story is that it still isn’t dramatic in a historical context.””

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Container shipping at the crossroads: The big unwind or party on?
Jana Wolff Jana Wolff

Container shipping at the crossroads: The big unwind or party on?

“Deciphering all these market signals has become increasingly complex. Spot rates appear to be pulling back, but not by all accounts. Congestion looks like it’s falling, but it might just be shifting to other ports, and declines may reverse when Shanghai lockdowns end.”

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East Coast ports about to get slammed by a lot more ships
Jana Wolff Jana Wolff

East Coast ports about to get slammed by a lot more ships

“The number of Asia-East Coast services per month was steady at around 19 in 2020. It rose through last year to 24 in December, then jumped 28 this month with 30 planned in May, according to new data provided to American Shipper by eeSea.”

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