Fewer trans-Pacific cuts signal 3Q demand on the mend
“Detailed trans-Pacific blank-sailing data is provided to FreightWaves by Copenhagen-based eeSea. The latest data, calculated based on the arrival date in the U.S., not the departure date from Asia, shows a stark difference in scheduling in the third quarter versus the second…”

Container ship industry finds flexibility eclipses efficiency, for now
“International ocean carriers entered 2020 with an expense problem and a profit problem…”

Shipping lines face formidable foe in pandemic
“Data provider eeSea said that operators had pulled 8 per cent of their sailings this year on key routes — between Asia and North America, Asia and Europe as well as those linking Europe and North America. That compared with 2 per cent for all of 2019…”

New wave of transatlantic blankings – and alliances start to lose market share
“Transatlantic shippers are set to be hit by another wave of blank sailings this month after 2M partners Maersk and MSC announced that the suspension of the TA4/NEUTAL4 would be extended…”

Scheduled third-quarter sailings sinking
“THE Alliance and 2M have canceled 75 sailings scheduled for the third quarter…”

'Aggressive' blanking brings capacity crunch, cargo rolling and rocketing rates
“Container spot rates from Asia to the US soared this week as the aggressive blank sailing programmes of transpacific carriers resulted in a capacity crunch and container rollovers…”

FreightWaves SONAR: Connecting the Dots Between ‘Blank’ Sailings and Rail
“According to data provided to FreightWaves by eeSea, updated as of May 22, 18% of Asia-U.S. container-ship sailings have been blanked in the week starting June 29, dropping to 15% the week starting July 6, 9% the week starting July 13 and just 2% for the week starting July 20…”

Import cuts could trigger more shortages as states reopen
“After “blanking” (canceling) around 20% of Asia-to-U.S. capacity this month and next, it now appears almost certain that carriers will cut fewer sailings in July…”

Spike in Asia-Europe spot rates as space tightens and rollovers increase
“There has been a significant spike in carrier short-term container rate quotes from Asia to North Europe this week, as rollovers become the norm…”

IMF develops real-time intel on container, tanker, bulker moves
“With make-or-break business decisions in the balance, the focus has predictably turned to data that signals future trends, such as container-shipping “blank sailing” information from companies such as eeSea and Sea-Intelligence, and real-time “nowcasting” data on ship movements from companies such as CargoMetrics…”

Carriers push up Asia-Europe FAK rates as capacity tightens
“According to eeSea data, carriers have so far announced the withdrawal of 28% of scheduled headhaul sailings this month, representing 37 of 130 advertised voyages.…”

Feeder operators look to downsize fleets as demand for services falls
“According to the latest eeSea data, the three vessel-sharing ocean alliances have blanked 34 of the scheduled 130 sailings from Asia to Europe this month, as shippers have cancelled or postponed orders due to Covid-19 lockdowns.…”

Will ocean carriers scale back sailing cancellations?
“For the month of July, we’re at 10% cancellations, while May and June are at 19% and 18%, respectively,” said Simon Sundboell, founder and CEO of Copenhagen-based eeSea, a platform that maps container-industry schedules…”

Capacity control keeps ocean freight rates steady, but container rollovers increase
“Ocean carriers are successfully underpinning freight rates through capacity discipline, with reports of container rollovers at Chinese export hubs and detention transhipment ports…”

How canceled sailings will impact US ports – and when
“Blank-sailings data is a key leading indicator for U.S. ports, cargo shippers, truckers and railways. A container ship that doesn’t depart from Asia equates to a container ship that doesn’t arrive on the U.S. West Coast two to three weeks later, or on the East Coast four to five weeks later…”

How canceled sailings will impact US ports – and when
“Copenhagen-based eeSea — a platform founded in 2016 that maps container-industry schedules — has provided a snapshot of this U.S.-arrivals-centric data on blank sailings to FreightWaves…”

Container shipping capacity down 11% in April
“New analysis conducted by Danish maritime intelligence company eeSea has revealed the quick drop in shipped container volumes brought about by the spread of coronavirus. Container shipping capacity is down 11% for this month and 11% of next month’s sailings have been blanked…”

HMM launches world's biggest box ship – but its first voyage may be the last
“As South Korean shipping line HMM today formally launched the world’s largest containership, the country’s government outlined an enormous financial package to prop up its maritime industries…”

Blank sailings tally on major tradelanes for next month tops 300 – so far
“According to the latest data from Copenhagen-based maritime and supply chain intelligence company eeSea, carriers have so far cancelled 302 headhaul voyages in May across the major tradelanes – 11% of the 2,693 proforma sailings...”

Analysis by eeSea shows global drops in capacity in 2020, and eeSea publishes first detailed analysis into COVID-19 impact on container shipping capacity.